About the Gubser Guidance and Counseling Program

Working with students:
I am available to work with students in small groups and individually for short-term educational support. Small group support is offered on an as needed basis. Each small group typically meets for 30 minutes, once a week for 8-10 weeks. Groups focus on topics such as divorce/changing families, anger management, friendship & social skills, death/loss, or other topics as necessary. Student referrals for group may be made by teachers or parents. Students can also request to see me individually through their classroom teacher or through parent emails to me. Throughout the school year I spend time will all students at Gubser during classroom guidance lessons. Guidance lesson topics include manners and being respectful, tattling vs. reporting, problem solving, using are words to tell others what we want or need, friendship, teasing, bullying, feelings, anger management, coping skills, differences, careers and personal safety.

Working with parents and teachers:
I work with both parents and teachers to assist in planning intervention and prevention strategies for students. These strategies are designed to promote personal, social, emotional and academic development of students in order for all students to become successful learners.

Parents can call (503-399-3275) or email (mills_michelle@salkeiz.k12.or.us) to make appointments to meet with me. Stopping by without an appointment is discouraged because my schedule is typically full each week during school hours. An appointment is the best way to ensure that I will be available to meet with you and to give you the time you need. Thank you for doing this.